KEmulator nnmod
Download v2.19.1
Mod, that improves KEmulator work and adds many new features.
Based on v1.0.3 mod by max20091.
Based on v1.0.3 mod by max20091.
[Main changes from v1.0.3]
Active development and bug tracking
Fixed a lot of games based on bug reports
Hardware accelerated 3D engine
Freely resizable window
Fixed keyboard controls
Improved lcdui implementation
Improved audio playback
Returned M3G View from v0.9.8
Fixed network connection issues
Mascot Capsule and SoftBank MEXA support
Implemented NokiaUI 1.4
Support of obscure OEM APIs
Support of UEI integration with IDEs (Eclipse with MTJ, NetBeans, etc)
[Supported platforms and architectures]
Java: 8-21 (Oracle, OpenJDK)
Windows XP - 11 (x86, x86_64)
Linux (x86, amd64, arm64, arm32)
Mac OS X 10.13 and higher (x64)
macOS 11 Big Sur (arm64)
shinovon: main developer
rmn20: M3G engine contributor
woesss: MascotCapsule3D engine author, contributor
Wu.Liang: original author (2006-2008)
TwoSpacesSG: testing
Feodor0090 (sym_ansel): idea, helped a lot
and contributors on GitHub
shinovon: main developer
rmn20: M3G engine contributor
woesss: MascotCapsule3D engine author, contributor
Wu.Liang: original author (2006-2008)
TwoSpacesSG: testing
Feodor0090 (sym_ansel): idea, helped a lot
and contributors on GitHub
Used code from:
KEmulator v0.9.8, v1.0.3 (Wu.Liang), decompiled
J2ME-Loader (nikita36078), Apache-2.0 license
JL Mod (woesss), Apache-2.0 license
FreeJ2ME, GPLv3
FreeJ2ME-plus, GPLv3
Symbian^3 source code (Symbian Foundation), EPL 1.0
S40 SDK (Nokia), decompiled
GLEmulator (Gameloft), decompiled
KEmulator v0.9.8, v1.0.3 (Wu.Liang), decompiled
J2ME-Loader (nikita36078), Apache-2.0 license
JL Mod (woesss), Apache-2.0 license
FreeJ2ME, GPLv3
FreeJ2ME-plus, GPLv3
Symbian^3 source code (Symbian Foundation), EPL 1.0
S40 SDK (Nokia), decompiled
GLEmulator (Gameloft), decompiled